Realistic Therizinosaurus 3D Model

Realistic Therizinosaurus 3D Model

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Specifications: \n \n
  • Clean topology only quad
  • \n
  • Real World Scale. 7.11 meters in height, 9.93 meters in length
  • \n
  • A-symmetrical UV Mapped, distributed in 4 tiles
  • \n
  • 4 udim tiles
  • \n
  • 4k PBR textures
  • \n
  • Lights are included in the file which I used to capture the images.
  • \n

Geometry Details:

  • Vertices: 51,322
  • \n
  • Edges: 102,208
  • \n
  • Polygons: 51,084
  • \n


\n4k PBR textures with 4 udim tiles including Basecolor, Displacement, Normal, Roughness, etc. The naming idea can be seen below. \n
  1. Therizinosaurus_BaseColor.1001.tif
  2. \n
  3. Therizinosaurus_Displacement.1001.tif
  4. \n
  5. Therizinosaurus_Normal.1001.tif
  6. \n
  7. Therizinosaurus_Roughness.1001.tif
  8. \n
Extra textures:
\nThird-party textures help a lot with realism. These following textures contain Eye texture, HDRI, as well as Sclera. \n
  1. Ground Clay_Diff.jpg
  2. \n
  3. Ground Clay_NRM.jpg
  4. \n
  5. Ground Clay_Spec.jpg
  6. \n
  7. photo_studio_01_2k.exr
  8. \n
  9. 11.png
  10. \n

File Formats:

\nThere are 4 interesting file formats available here. For more desired file formats contact us \n
  1. Source file: Blender Therizinosaurus.blend
  2. \n
  3. Extracted: FBX (Binary, 2018_00)
  4. \n
  5. Extracted: OBJ
  6. \n
  7. Extracted: DAE
  8. \n

Final Words:

\nThank you very much for purchasing our Therizinosaurus 3d model we hope this will be your best purchase ever. If you are getting any errors feel free to ask. \n \nKindly Regards \n \nMuzammil – CreatureGuard \n \n
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