Camarasaurus basemesh 3d model low poly is available with the low topology now you just need to start sculpting, ready for texturing and apply materials to the Camarasaurus creature basemesh model.
Verts: 23073 Faces: 22953 Tris: 45906
Add realism textures to Camarasaurus base mesh low poly 3d model. No cleaning up necessary and No special plugin needed. Just import your model into the scene and start working on sculpting, rigging, texturing, and animation then may it will be ready for games, or movies.
Model files are without smooth applied, If you need a different size, just use the OBJ file and export it again with any dimension you want to do with Camarasaurus dinosaur 3d model base mesh.
File Format:
Thank you very much for purchasing our Camarasaurus basemesh 3D model we hope this will be your best download ever. If you are getting any errors feel free to ask.
Kindly Regards
Muzammil – CreatureGuard
More:Â All BaseMeshes
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